Our Services

Free Compliance Packaging

We want to make medicine taking simple. That is why we are offering FREE sachet packaging to all eligible patients.

What is sachet packaging?

Medicines sachets make it easy to manage your medication. Our robot organises your medications into little sachets according to your medicines regimen. The pouches are organised in a consecutive way with the time, date and medications printed on each, so there is no chance for confusion. They also make medicine taking more convenient for travel. 

Talk to the friendly team today to find out more. 

Medicines Management Service

  • Do you take a lot of different medications?

  • Do you wonder what your medications actually do?

  • Do you sometimes forget to take your medications?

  • Are your medications working the best it can for you?

Our pharmacists are qualified to provide a free service that helps you make the most of your medicines. This involves a one-on-one chat with one of our pharmacists in the pharmacy, or at your home, to set you on track and fill in the gaps. 

Free Professional and Health advice

The team at Remedy believe that your remedy to health does not stop at prescription medications. Educating the community in looking after our body and preventing ourselves from getting sick is what we strive for. 

If you'd like some advice on additional ways to support your health, come in to meet the friendly team. 

Influenza Vaccinations

Our specially trained pharmacists are able to administer the flu shot. No appointment is needed!

This service is free if you are pregnant or are over 65 years of age. 

This service is only available during the flu season. 

Chat to us to find out more.

Morning After Pill

If there is a chance that you may have become pregnant, we may be able to supply you with an emergency contraceptive pill. 

Oral Contraceptives

Did you know that some pharmacies can supply you with your regular oral contraceptives?

Our pharmacists are qualified in the re-supply of common oral contraceptives including Ava 30, Levlen ED, Microgynon 20ED, Cerazette and much more. 

Talk to us to find out more.

Sildenafil (Vedafil®, Viagra®) Supply

Our pharmacy can supply medication for erectile dysfunction if you meet certain criteria.

This will involve a quick chat with one of our qualified pharmacists in our consultation room, 

Treatment for Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)

Bladder infections (UTI or cystitis) are a common occurrence for women in New Zealand.  If you are experiencing a burning sensation when you pass urine, or you are needing to pass urine more frequently than usual, speak to one of our pharmacists as you may have a UTI. 

Our pharmacists may be able to supply a short course of antibiotics which can treat UTI, without needing to see your doctor. 

Treatment for Conjunctivitis

Many forms of conjunctivitis/eye infections are common and can be easily treated at a pharmacy. 

If you or a family member has a crusty, sticky and red eye, come in to talk to a pharmacist and we may be able to help.

Blood Pressure Check 

We offer blood pressure checks free to eligible patients. 

Ear Piercing

The staff at Remedy are trained in ear piercing. 

Just pick a pair of earrings you like out of our large selection, and the piercing procedure is free!

No appointment needed.